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Dec 20, 20202 min read
Eating During the Holidays
Navigating the holidays can be tricky. Instead of enjoying everything the holidays have to offer, we find ourselves falling into the same...
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Jun 13, 20205 min read
Athlete Immunity: Nutrition Strategies to Keep you Competing
In light of recent events immunity has been a hot topic across the nation. It's inevitable, at some point in an athlete's career they...
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May 31, 20192 min read
My First CPSDA Conference
This past week I was fortunate enough to attend my first ever CPSDA conference. For those of you that don't know what that is, CPSDA...
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Feb 21, 20193 min read
Think You Can be an Elite Athlete Without Proper Nutrition? Think Again.
Hi all! Welcome to my first blog post! I want to clear up any confusion you may have in regards to Registered Dietitians and how they...
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